Fan Your Gifts To Blow Up in Flames!


2 Timothy 1:6 CEV‬‬
[6] So I ask you to make full use of the gift God gave you when I placed my hands on you. Use it well.

Church leaders like the elders, deacons laid hands on people who were appointed to work in various capacities. This was done to show approval, give authority, dedicate and commission them for the work ahead as we also see for the Chosen Seven in Acts 6.

With that been said, here, Paul is actually talking about ministry gift. But then…
God is not only interested in the “spiritual” gifts like pastoral office or teaching office. We need creative people to decorate the church, build websites, create apps, tell inspiring stories, design beautiful clothes, use their skills and talents one way or the other. Afterall, it all began with God because every good and perfect gift is from God.

For me, I believe writing is one of such gifts God has given me. I’ve not started to make full use of it as there’s still a lot of work to be done in this area. But the little I can do right now, I will because it’s what I feed that grows. The grass is not greener at the other side, it’s greener where you water it. What’s your super power?

That which your hand finds doing, do it well. Don’t ignore that seemingly little gift that’s in you. It’s your gift that makes you stand before kings.
To make full use of our gift, we keep using them to get better. Where applicable, go for further trainings, take courses, ask questions, do something to make it better.

2 Timothy 1:6 CEV‬‬
[6] So I ask you to make full use of the gift God gave you when I placed my hands on you. Use it well.

Paul urges Timothy to use his gift well. You see fraudsters? They have that gift of intelligence/ creativity but have channelled it for another purpose. You can use your own gift well.

‭‭2 Timothy 1:6 TPT‬‬
[6] I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you.

Timothy may have done well because he had Apostle Paul constantly encouraging and speaking over him. You may not have that but encourage yourself in the Lord.

Let me be your Apostle Paul encouraging you today to not give up, keep the faith. Fix your eyes on Jesus even when the struggle keeps getting real.

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Penned by Gracelyn ❤

Published by Gracelyn

Scribe for the Lord. Author| Writer

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